Owning Real Estate Property Requires More Than A Deed
Owning Real Property Requires More Than A Deed
Did you know that there is more to owning real property than just obtaining a deed? Knowing which deed or legal document is appropriate for a real estate transaction can help avoid a potential lengthy and costly probate case. This is why having a licensed attorney prepare your deed and other legal documents for your real estate transaction is so important. A licensed real estate attorney knows the difference between the different types of deeds and legal documents. For example, a general warranty deed means that the seller is lawfully seized in fee simple of the granted premises with a guarantee from the seller(grantor) to the buyer (grantee). With a quit claim deed, the deed is given in fee simple without any warranties from the seller to the buyer.
Our two full-time attorneys at American Homeland Title Agency prepare review and/or supervise all legal documents that are prepared in conjunction with real estate transactions at American Homeland Title Agency. Most title companies do not have attorneys involved with preparing legal documents for real estate transactions even though it is required by law. Most title companies find an unscrupulous attorney who will loan their name and law license out for a fee (which is illegal) and have an unlicensed person prepare the legal documents while slapping the unscrupulous attorney’s name at the bottom of the document. Your real estate transaction is too important to have it handled by an unlicensed and untrained individual. You deserve better customer service from your title company.
American Homeland Title Agency strives to legally provide the best customer service at the best price for our clients. Our real estate attorneys are available to assist with all aspects of every real estate transaction. Our main office is located in Cincinnati, Ohio, (WestChester, Ohio area). We also have a downtown Cincinnati, Ohio location and an office in Dayton, Ohio (Kettering, Ohio). Find out why American Homeland Title Agency is often referred to as the best title company in Cincinnati, Ohio. For more information visit our website atamericanhomelandtitle.com.